ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has decided to launch a five-year roadmap to ensure development work in the long run in different sectors during its tenure.
The government will launch a five-year roadmap during an event at the Convention Centre, apprising the public of the progress made on the 100-day plan. The government will announce different targets under the five-year roadmap to make developments in different sectors including the social sector to bring change in the life of people.
The decision to launch the five-year roadmap was taken in a meeting of the cabinet during a presentation on the 100-day plan.
Sources told The Express Tribune that the cabinet was given a presentation on the progress with regard to implementation of 100 days plan of the present government. The cabinet was informed that communication strategy had been developed for dissemination of information, which mainly focuses on areas such as social protection, 100 billion tree plantation programme, agriculture emergency plan, tourism and education.
During the discussion, it was informed that there is a need to focus on government’s initiative on improvement of governance, which in fact was the hallmark of the reform agenda. Dissemination with regard to implementation of the 100-day plan needs to be staggered so as to have maximum effectiveness with regard to raising awareness among the people.
The cabinet also discussed a need for a review mechanism before a certain policy related to various segments of the 100-day plan is made public. It was highlighted in this aspect that any action having policy implementations would need to be considered and approved by the cabinet before it is rolled out.
The cabinet took note of the presentation and took different decisions. It was decided that launching of all major segments of the 100-day plan shall be managed in such a manner that they do not overlap in terms of time so that it has maximum effectiveness in creating awareness for the public at large.
It was further decided that interventions of 100-day plan related to social protection programme will be finalised in consultation with the Ministry of Finance. Initiatives and actions that have policy implications should be submitted for consideration and approval of the cabinet after seeking due concurrence of the prime minister.