Punjab’s Minister of Livestock and Dairy Development Mian Nauman Kabeer on Friday said that the provincial livestock and dairy development department has computerized the data of 8.7 million cattle farmers in the province.
The minister made the disclosure while presiding over a meeting of the department. The department has also extended technical assistance to other provinces as well as countries such as Australia, Japan and South Korea, he added.
During the meeting, the minister was briefed that the livestock centres comprises of 58.3% of the agricultural centres. Further, farmers in more than 26,000 villages across the province are provided awareness and information about the different types of diseases that animals carry.
The department has also taught farmers the best way to increase milk yield, which has helped to make them more independent. In addition to this, 353 mobile dispensaries, four veterinary laboratories and nine training schools are providing the farmers necessary assistance.
The department has also established a round-the-clock helpline in order to obtain necessary information and to offer guidance to farmers.