Faisalabad: The Secretary Agriculture, Punjab, Muhammad Mahmood presided over the meeting at Ayub Agriculture Research Institute, Faisalabad to review work speed of this organization. Mahmood appreciated work speed and enthusiasm/dedication of Agricultural scientist towards completion of their tasks.
The Secretary Agriculture said that agricultural research is playing an important role in ensuring food security in the country. The pro-farmer policies of the government resulted in 3.5% increase in agriculture growth. Similarly, some crops witnessed 8% increase in growth this year.
He added the incumbent government was well aware of issues afflicting the agriculture sector and prosperity of farmers was linked with improved agriculture. Agriculture Department is promoting the cultivation of new profitable crops according to climate change, and supports every step for the welfare of farmers, which can increase the income of farmers.
Farmers can earn more profits in less time by cultivation of Morinaga and it can also be used as edible oil. Secretary Agriculture has also directed researchers and experts that they should start awareness campaign for the promotion of Morinaga by disseminating information among farmers about its utility and importance.
At this occasion, Dr. Abid Mahmood said that changing climate patterns is now affecting people farming in all ecosystems. Climate smart initiatives can produce tangible benefits to rural communities and the land they depend on, making it more resilient when faced with climate swings. Promising technologies to combat this unpredictable situation include crop varieties adapted to perform well under climate change factors, technology tools, devices for farmers and systems for delivering targeted timing and doses of fertilizer and irrigation. To mitigate the climate effects, agricultural scientists has focused on areas according to new climate zones.