A spokesman of Agriculture department has said that DAP, Urea and all other fertilizer stocks are available in sufficient quantity to satisfy the demand of farmers in Punjab.
District government also ordered to display prices of fertilizers in their shops and all dealers are detained to sale fertilizer according to notified prices announced by the government, the spokesman added. So, farmers should not pay more for fertilizer and they also get receipt from dealers during purchase of fertilizer bags. If farmers have any complaint regarding fertilizers, they should make a call to Punjab Agriculture Helpline on 0800-15000 or 0800-29000 for redressal of grievances, he added.
The spokesman said the farmers may contact with Directorate General of Agriculture (Ext & AR) on 042-99200749 or 042-99203709 for registration of their complaint regarding fertilizer prices. Government of Punjab is striving hard to keep the prices of fertilizers under control in the interest of farming community/ stakeholders.