LAHORE – The World Egg Day is celebrated every year on the second Friday in October. On World Egg Day, events are held across the world celebrating the importance of egg in human diet. Like in the past, Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) is also celebrating this year’s World Egg Day on Friday (today) by organising seminars at different places to make the general public aware of the nutritional value of eggs and its importance for human health.
The newly-elected chairman of PPA North Zone, Dr Arshad Hanif said that the association will organise the function to mark World Egg Day at press club on Friday morning. He said. “The first World Egg Day was celebrated in 1996 and since then we have seen a variety of wonderful events taking place internationally, with people enjoying and celebrating the wonderful versatility of the egg.” Eggs have a vital role to play in feeding people around the world, in both developed and developing countries. The eggs have excellent and affordable source of high quality protein, with the potential to feed the world, he said.
According to experts, annual consumption of 250-300 eggs per person is important for human health.
The consumption level in the developed countries meets this requirement adequately. However, the annual egg consumption is not satisfactory in Pakistan. They said that efforts should be made to make people cognizant of the fact to increase egg consumption and to ensure the good health of people since only a healthy generation can take a country to the pinnacle of progress and prosperity.
Source The Nation