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Control Strategies for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) in Asia Incident Action Plan   

The overall goal for response to a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is to detect, control, and eradicate the agent as quickly as possible to return individual farms to normal production and the Country to disease free status. The response target time to accomplish this goal should be four months or less, as response efforts become more difficult to maintain after such a period of time. Avian influenza may impact the abundance, availability, cost, or safety of the Country's food supply, and the ability to market agricultural products. Control and elimination of avian influenza relies on three basic principles which make up the operational components of a response:

• Preventing contact between susceptible animals and HPAI agents is accomplished by the following actions: quarantine and movement controls, biosecurity measures, and epidemiologic investigations with risk assessments, tracing, and surveillance.

• Stopping the production of the agent by the infected animals. This is accomplished using euthanasia and disposal of infected and exposed animals.

• Increasing the disease resistance of susceptible animals. This is accomplished by strategic vaccination.

To accomplish the control of HPAI the following is a summary of the specific recommendations were discussed by the participating countries:

Organizational Approach to the Delivery of Control Strategies

Throughout the course of the presentations by both infected and non infected Countries the need for cooperation across country boundaries was a common theme. For any country's program, be it to eradicate the disease or remain free depends upon their neighbour's success. For this reason it is imperative that the following be implemented immediately:

• A regional coordination group should be formed by FAO, OIE, WHO and the Central Governments of the Countries in the region to allow joint decision making, resource and information sharing. This group should establish goals and objectives of the regional plan in sufficient detail to guide planning and operations.

• Establish a Veterinary Task Force in charge of preparing emergency control, contingency, and response plans should include, among others from other Agencies, individuals responsible for the public health sector for consultation by these authorities.

• Each Country will need to assess and further develop adequate capacity within their veterinary infrastructure (human resources, equipment and laboratory supplies to name a few) to accomplish the recommendations contained in this report.

• The development of emergency preparedness programs should be completed to prevent the establishment of infection or reinfection.

• A zoning approach to expand free areas while driving the disease into smaller and smaller pockets is essential to control within the region.

• A regional laboratory network system needs to be established as the closest laboratory may be in a neighboring country. This would also allow reagent production and sharing as needed.

• Development of common educational materials for biosecurity and public health should be completed and shared with the region for translation and distribution across the region would be essential for biosecurity and containment.


International reporting standards of the OIE is essential to establish confidence on the world stage of veterinary actions and progress toward stated goals.

• Additionally, the development and use a common daily situation reporting format that can be used for internal planning purposes is critical to continual evaluations of the program. This reporting format should be simple but sufficient to demonstrate progress toward goals.

Country Zoning/compartmentalization, Quarantine, Movement Controls and Surveillance

The primary means of spread is by movement of infected birds, materials or means of transport. While each country has applied quarantine and movement controls in known infected areas adequate surveillance may not have been conducted in what is thought to be "free" areas. Participants also discussed the need for a coordinated regional approach to eradication.

• Poultry populations should be divided into 3 categories (industrial commercial poultry, small commercial production and village poultry (subsistence farming and pet birds).

• Countries should move to a system of zones based on populations of poultry, geographic areas or disease status with the aim of developing free zones and recovery of export capacity.

Given the unprecedented nature of the current disease outbreak it is inadequate on a global scale to allow a country by country epidemiologic report. A regional epidemiologic study must be conducted to assist in decision making and planning for the region.

• Resources should be made available to conduct an epidemiologic assessment by international and local experts to develop a descriptive epidemiologic analysis of the outbreak.

• A molecular analysis of isolates should be conducted with the assistance of the OIE/FAO/WHO reference laboratories to complement the epidemiological analysis.

• Support for research on disease transmission among other things to help control the disease in the region.

Strategic Vaccination
A discussion of the use or non use of vaccine followed a presentation on the advantages and disadvantages of vaccines for avian influenza. The generally acceptable summary of that discussion is that:

• Vaccine is a valuable tool in the control and elimination of avian influenza

• Vaccine alone is unlikely to lead to a successful eradication; however vaccination combined with stamping out and adequate surveillance will likely lead to eradication in less time.

• Strategic vaccination in birds, if accompanied by appropriate surveillance will reduce the amount of virus excreted and lead to less viral exposure for humans

• Vaccine, if used, must be produced in accordance with OIE guidelines.

Stamping-out policy for infected poultry (including Valuation, Disposal, Cleaning and Disinfection, Biosecurity and Animal Welfare)

• Infected and susceptible animals will be euthanized and disposed of as soon as possible but striving for the recommended time of within 24 hours.

• Susceptible animals and on all suspect premises will be subject to regular inspection and observation over two or more incubation periods of the disease.

• If resources are limited, premises will be prioritized so that those with high potential for active spread of the agent are acted on before those that do not have a high potential for active spread.

• Depopulation should be accompanied with adequate and timely compensation payment to owners of animals and materials requiring destruction to prevent the spread of avian influenza.

• A study should be conducted looking at alternatives to compensation and analyzing the hazards, risks and alternative schemes for compensation should be conducted.

• Provide humane euthanasia methods for all animals to be euthanized.

• Contaminated and potentially contaminated materials, including animal carcasses, will be properly disposed of within 24 hours of the destruction of the susceptible animals. Disposal will be done in a manner that does not allow the avian influenza agent to spread, has little to no effect on the environment, and conserves meat or animal protein if logistically supportable from a biosecurity viewpoint.

• All premises on which animals are euthanized and disposed of will be required to be cleaned and disinfected.

• Biosecurity procedures to prevent the spread of avian influenza will be implemented within 24 hours of the identification of the first presumptive positive premises

Wildlife Management

Massive killing of wild birds thought to be pests in the region lead to massive famine and failed crops since the wild birds in fact were controlling crop pests more than being crop pests. Therefore wildlife not only warrant protection due to the aesthetic and cultural values, but also because of the ecosystem "services" provided at very low costs by animals and plants in the environment. As a result:

• Wild birds should not be depopulated in an attempt to control avian influenza but separation, as much as possible should be attempted.

• Reducing contact rates between wild birds and large commercial poultry operations to prevent wild waterfowl from direct or indirect contact.

• Village poultry health care programs, including possible vaccination programs and certainly health/husbandry education is the best approach to 1) provide entree for surveillance operations, 2) reduce disease incidence, 3) improve rural livelihoods, and 4) reduce the threat or introduction of diseases into wild bird populations.

• Ministries of Agriculture, as well as Ministries of Natural Resources should limit the trafficking of wild birds, and ban the mixing of domestic and wild animals in live markets.

• Wildlife infectious disease surveillance programs, both in semi-urban areas and in remote, rural areas may provide insights and early warning about diseases circulating in the wild prior to livestock outbreaks.

• Investment in raising awareness and capacity building is needed to allow more countries to begin integrating health monitoring programs as they develop natural resource management efforts.


• Plans to rebuild the poultry sector must be developed and implemented to set the poultry industry in a more biosecure position and protect livelihoods.

• Establishment of educational programs for improved poultry production should be started.



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