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Turtles; an amazing specie 

Reptiles are the animals, which can lead a dual life; both in water and on land for example frogs, crocodiles, snakes, turtles, alligators and a long list that is of great interest.

Well from the word “Reptile”, I don’t know much about its origin or its meaning, but what I understand from it, it is a combination of two words “Repeat” and “Tile” that accords with the scaly skin of most of these phylum’s animals as we see scales repeated on snakes, similar spots are found on frogs, toads and crocodiles have amazing skin as well and so on…. This particular article is related to a wonderful reptile commonly known as turtle or tortoise…

Turtle is the word that is mostly applied to the organism with shell passing most of its lifetime in water but tortoise is the one that moves most of the time on land. Turtle though normally seems to be a single similar organism but there are about 270 living species found up till now which are grouped into 12 or 13 families. They are widespread and most of them are cold-blooded animals but one exception is of that of the leather back turtle, it has a peculiar built of oily fat layer under the skin with a large size that helps it to keep its temperature constant.

Shell is, not only an attribute to turtles as many other animals of phylum mollusca also possess shells, but even in different species of turtles shells do vary from each other that accords to their mode of life. Tortoises, which have to live on land and dry environment, they possess a hard heavy shell while turtles have a lightweight shell particularly special aquatic turtles have a peculiar streamlined shell that help to swim faster. Shell consists of an outer layer that may be called as the epidermis of turtle and an inner layer that is made up of ribs a part of vertebral column that makes up almost a count of 60 bones that is why a turtle or tortoise cannot crawl out of the shell. Shell lower part that is called a plastron supports the belly while top part is called as carapace.

Carapace is of variety as well as plastron. In some turtles this shell possesses horny scales called as scutes that are composed of Keratin protein. In some species these scutes overlap the spaces between bones of shell adding strength to them. Some turtles’ shells possess hinges for providing flexibility to them for easy faster movement like turtles of Canada and Northeastern United States including American Box turtle whose plastron has single hinge while that of American Mud turtle possess many hinges. Regarding the shape of shells they are streamlined, pancake shaped, and shells with cross-shaped plastrons and many other small variations also do exist according to the life style of turtle.

Now another amazing aspect of turtle is the way they use to protect themselves against all hazards, that is they hide themselves in the strong shell Nature has provided them. What we see is that they hide their necks in the shell and limbs as well, scientists see two ways in which they hide their necks, one way is side-wise and the other is U-shaped. In the U-shaped style they swing their neck into the shell and remain above the axis of vertebral column, while in side-wise method they make an S-shape curve perpendicular to the vertebral column.

Interesting also is the way they breathe in air. Unlike other breathing organisms their ribs do not move inside and outside to decrease or increase the volume of their chest cavity rather their ribs, as mentioned above, are fixed to make-up the inner layer of their shell. It is only the muscles of their chest cavity and pectoral and pelvic girdles (fore-limb and hind-limb) that contract and relax to perform the function of a flexible rib cage in other animals. Also some aquatic species and tortoises, which spend their part of time in water, make use of the oxygen dissolved in water. Some exclusively aquatic turtles do store oxygen in their lungs, in their body cavity and in a part of body called as cloaca, this happens so during hibernation period normally.

Digestive system is well developed according to the mode of diet and diet is modified according to the mode of life. In some individuals there is a capacity of long time storage while some possess good speed of digestion. All the ingesta are grind by the stomach enzymes while the intestine absorbs all nutrients, however the undigested food is removed through special opening cloaca. Urinary system does exist and filter the blood.

Nervous system is very well developed. A very common example of that is seen some danger approaches a turtle and it hides itself immediately into its shell. However its ability to see and recognize colors and patterns is very sharp. Turtle’s eyes are specialized to see underwater but they can see only to less distance on land.

If we talk about the reaction of turtles towards the seasons then we see that like most reptiles they undergo a condition called Torpor, similar to hibernation that starts almost in October or November and lasts up till March or April, during which they reduce their feeding and their oxygen demand is reduced to very low. On the other hand, most of their behavioral settings are programmed such that they keep their body temperature warm. For that mostly the aquatic turtles come to the sea-banks or beaches for sunbathing. While mostly terrestrial animals hide themselves in burrows like Eastern box turtle.

Limbs make a very important physical aspect of turtle that not only help to walk on land but to swim in water. Limbs of different species are modified according to their mode of life, their environment and their need as well.

For example, forelimbs of Gopher tortoise are modified like a scoop for digging purpose to make burrows. While if we see any aquatic specie its limbs are found to be well developed for a smooth swimming, that is they would be having webbed foot that help them to dive and then spread to cover a large surface area to escape their enemies. It is an animal that is thought to be a very slow moving animal as seen by most of land-living human beings and its speed on land is found to be 0.3mph but they are very swift swimmer and swim at a high speed of 19mph however a soft-shelled turtle can swim even faster than a fish, and sea-turtles are specializing to swim like a ship as their hind limbs work like radars while forelimbs work as flippers.

Reproduction is sexual. There is courtship behavior shown by males for mating. They show interesting moves and now it depends on females whether they allow mating or not. Even it happens so that they move away in order to avoid this. Some species of female turtles store the sperms in their cloaca for up to four years and can fertile their ova for this time with a single mating and can lay eggs. Mating may take place on land or in water but laying and hatching always takes place on land. Females travel to safer places on land to lay eggs these places are chosen in order to have suitable temperature, safety from floods, predators, enemies including man.

They do not actually walk but creep make burrow and lay their eggs in them and after covering these eggs with dust or sand females move ahead and take no care of the eggs any more. A turtle can lay 1 to 200 eggs in a clutch, depends and varies with species; some small species can lay 1 to 6 eggs in a clutch. Eggs are round or oval in shape, with thick rigid shells. Hatching from the eggs takes place in 6 to 8 months however in some very large species it may reach up to one year or so. Growth of small hatchlings depends upon the species that how long do they live.

In the early life growth rate is high but later on it slows down. Turtles are known to live up to 100s of years, some lead only to 60 years, however it takes a turtle almost 5 to 20 years to mature sexually i.e. to be able to lay eggs and mate. An interesting aspect of turtle sex-determination is that during the buried period of eggs after laying and to hatching is the temperature. In some species temperature is the factor that determines the sex of the forthcoming neonate. If temperature is below 28OC the next turtle would be a male and if it is above 30OC it will be a female and if it is 29OC individual may be a male or a female. But in other species the chromosomes like other mammals and birds determine it.

Last but not the least is the way turtles take their diet, they are omnivorous. However there are certain species which are herbivorous and some are carnivorous. Many aquatic turtles, being good and swift swimmers prey on insects, snails, worms, minnows, and tadpoles and aquatic plants. Terrestrial box turtle eat small animals but when ripe berries are available they eat so much of them that they get fat enough to hardly compensate in their hinged shells.

Aquatic species that are herbivores go for soft grasses of water, while some also go for snails and other small-shelled organisms due to the presence of horny and bony ridges in their jaws that helps them to crush the shell of their preys in them. Turtles follow a variety of diets that depends on species and varies with them.

Now what we have to see is that this good-natured specie is endangered. They survived the harshness of nature when dinosaurs were replenished. Now they are in a threat to be removed form the face of the earth.

However there are different communities, authorities, NGOs and counsels working for their protection but we particularly in Pakistan must go for awareness regarding turtles. They are not getting their due right in our country. We must make a softer corner for them in our heart and try to save them as they are a wonderful and loving animal with varying speeds to move in water and on land as well, as this amazing quality is seldom find in any other specie on land.

Thanks for the scientists and learned people whose works helped me to write this article and gave me the opportunity to share it with my readers. 

 Dr.Saba Badar Khari;


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